Title: Slash Football – The Last Five

Delivery: Web-series and live streaming

Services: Live-streaming, pre-production, production

What was the brief?


Slash Football approached us to produce a weekly, live web series “The Last 5”. The series used our live-streaming services from our London film studios every Saturday, during the last 15 minutes of the weekly Premier League matches. Hosted by two YouTube stars, The Real Geordie and Lawrence McKenna, this lively show provided real-time reaction to football matches from an online and live studio audience.

How did we approach the brief?


This collaborative project saw Maia Films produce, shoot and host “The Last 5” every week at our studios. The style of the series was consciously chaotic and busy, with live reactions of fans to their favourite clubs in the last moments of often nail-biting games.


Streamed on YouTube and Facebook, we shot over 20 episodes of the series and provided Slash Football with the same, recorded footage to use across their social media sites. Not only did we stream weekly content for the series but Maia Films also provided Slash Football with recorded versions of each episode for their own use.